If you've never had a hearing aid before, you'll appreciate our caring and compassion.
Please take a look at our section 'Before you get a hearing aid' which will answer many of the questions you might have.
Hearing Care & Optics
Purchasing a hearing aid can be a confusing process. We try to make it as easy as possible and help you make decisions based on YOUR best interest
loss is gradual; therefore you may not be aware of the extent of its
loss until someone else brings it to your attention. It may be difficult
to accept this news, but it is important to realize that recognizing
the symptoms of hearing loss is the first step toward improving the
quality of your life.
following questions will help you determine if you, or a loved one,
should have a hearing test performed by a PureTone Hearing Health Care
Professional. There are two questionnaires to choose from. One is for
you to answer about your own possible hearing loss. The other is about
the hearing of a loved one. Just answer YES or NO to each question and
when you're finished review the information that follows. Remember,
detection of a hearing problem is the first step to improving your
hearing health.
Do I have any hearing loss symptoms?
Do people always comment that the volume on your TV or radio is too loud?
Have you missed visits and calls from people because you didn't hear the doorbell or telephone ringing?
Do you have trouble following conversation in crowded or noisy settings?
Do you have difficulty hearing in public gatherings such as concert
halls, theaters, or houses of worship where sound sources are far away?
Do people seem to mumble and not speak clearly during conversation?
Do you have to turn your head sometimes to hear people speak more clearly?
Do people tell you that you speak too loudly in conversation?
Do you frequently ask people to repeat themselves?
Do your friends and family suggest that you have a hearing problem?
Do you have a difficult time understanding the words of popular songs when listening to the radio?
Does someone I know have any symptoms of hearing loss?
Does the person you know complain about having a difficult time hearing on the telephone?
Do they always ask you and others to repeat yourselves?
In crowded settings, does the person you know complain about not understanding what people are saying?
Do they always turn the volume on the TV or radio up to an uncomfortable level just to hear a program or music?
Does the person you know often complain of ringing in the ears?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, you or your loved
one may want to have a hearing test to determine if there's some degree
of hearing loss.
If you suspect a hearing loss, you should schedule an appointment for a FREE hearing examination and test from a Hearing Professional. Contact us today for an appointment.
There is one thing that might be worse than being diagnosed with Alzheimer's: that would be being diagnosed with it incorrectly.
that can happen to someone with a hearing impairment because the
symptoms, byproducts, of cognitive and hearing loss are similar. In both
cases, the afflicted person may experience anxiety, depression,
isolation, denial, distrust, impatience, and memory problems.
the cognitive loss of the dementia patient is not the same as someone
who simply does not hear well. After all, you are not going to remember
something if you didn't hear it in the first place. And you are not
going to do well on cognitive tests if you can't hear the questions. So,
if you have not admitted to a hearing problem, if it has not been
diagnosed and treated, there is a chance that you may be misdiagnosed,
told incorrectly that you have early Alzheimer's, with all the resulting
medical and social implications.
The opposite can also take
place. Through all the years of our marriage, my husband had a severe
hearing impairment, partly the result of genetics -- many in his family
suffered from various degrees of hearing loss -- and partly the result
of shooting, as so many men did in his day, without wearing ear
protection. In retrospect, I suspect that there were early signs of
Alzheimer's that we dismissed as hearing issues. Had we realized that,
the outcome would not have been any different, but I do wonder what it
felt like for him. Did he know that there was more than hearing at stake
and, if he did, and did not tell any of us, it must have been a very
lonely and frightening period for him.
Now, studies have shown
that there is a link between hearing and cognitive loss, that the
hearing impaired are at greater risk for developing Alzheimer's. Without
getting into the possible scientific explanations for this, some things
are obvious.
1. Hearing loss can lead to isolation with the
depression and sedentary lifestyle that can be its companions, all of
which are factors in dementia.
2. Like the rest of the body, the
brain needs exercise to remain healthy. Untreated hearing loss can get
in the way of that by restricting conversation, making going to the
theatre, movies, lectures, playing games, very difficult, if not
Clearly, if you are going to do everything you can to
prevent Alzheimer's, then making sure wax is removed from the ears,
having regular hearing tests, getting aids, and wearing them, is an
important step. Again, there are no guarantees but, at the very least,
your present life -- and those with whom you interact -- will be
While living with my husband, I learned a lot about this
handicap. Like many men, he didn't want to admit the problem at first.
There were other things he could blame -- hearing aids were expensive;
people didn't speak up; they didn't speak clearly; it was the unusual
accent. When he finally did accept a hearing aid, he didn't want to wear
it. It was uncomfortable; he thought it made him look old. Etc, etc.
Everyone who lives with someone who has a hearing impairment will be
familiar with all the excuses.
I learned to find the quiet corner
in the restaurant and seat him where there would be no one talking
behind him. To avoid places with a lot of mirrors and bare floors, where
sound is exaggerated. To place him in the middle of the table, where
his chances of participating in conversation were better than if he sat
at the traditional head of the table.
Now I, too, have lost some of my hearing.
I wear a state of the art hearing aid in one ear. It works very well -- when I wear it.
But it doesn't work when I leave it on the dresser which is where a lot of hearing aids seem to end up.
Because I forget. Or the battery goes out -- with a beep, beep, beep in
the middle of the conversation or the concert or play, and I either
have to fake it or do the embarrassing thing: take the aid out of the
ear and replace the battery in front of others. If I am in a dark place,
forget it. But even when I wear it, there are some situations where I
still have difficulty hearing. Like many people who find themselves with
this condition, I no longer hear the high notes clearly. I hear alto
voices very well, but the soprano notes are lost. My husband experienced
the same thing which is why, when I seated a woman beside him, I would
tell her, "Speak low, not loud, but low."
very common condition -- hearing some notes and not others -- can
create misunderstanding. Family members will say, "He hears when he
wants to hear," or "She has very selective hearing." The first statement
is not true. What you hear is not always a matter of choice. The second
statement is: the ear is a very selective instrument. Talk to me in a
high voice, from another room, or talk to my back and, if I hear you at
all, it will likely be garbled. Recently someone spoke of needing a
wedge in order to sleep -- I thought he said a wife. The result was
comic, but in some situations that kind of speech discrimination could
be disastrous.
In a poor hearing environment, I will "get" some
words and not others. This will frustrate the speaker who might well
lose patience with me and decide that I am only hearing what I want to
hear when, in fact, I do want very much to hear everything but I don't
-- I can't.
Set me in a noisy restaurant, or a cocktail party
where there is a lot of background noise, and it will take tremendous
concentration of my part to understand what you are saying. Put your
hand over your mouth when you speak and you make it impossible for me to
do the lipreading that the hearing impaired automatically rely on to
augment sound.
The healthy ear is a wonderful instrument -- it can
discriminate -- it does not hear all the sounds directed at it at the
same time equally. Some hearing aids promise to delete background noise
but few actually easily deliver. So being in a crowded place wearing a
hearing aid is to be subjected to a cacophony of noise. Given the
choice, I entertain at home, where I can control the environment, or
find the increasingly rare quiet restaurant.
Society does not have
much patience with the hearing impaired. Those of us who suffer from it
experience hardship, from being shut out of public conversation, to not
being able to have a private conversation in a public place because the
other person has to speak too loudly, to sometimes speaking too loudly
ourselves, to not hearing the intimate words of love whispered in the
There is a difference, of course, between hard of hearing and
the tuning out that can take place in a long term partnership. When a
couple live together for a long time, the relationship takes on the
aspects of a comfortable old slipper, very familiar. The routines are
established and we tend to assume we just know that the other one is
saying or going to say. This can lead to the husband declaring, "You
certainly did not tell me that your in-laws were coming to stay with
us," or the wife, "I asked you if you wanted to go on a cruise and you
said yes, you definitely did."
I call that husband's (or wife's) hearing. It is the stuff of jokes and they can be very funny.
there is nothing funny about the real thing -- hearing impairment is
definitely not a joke. Especially not when it may be a factor in getting
Alzheimer's Disease.
Symptoms of hearing loss
You may have trouble Recognizing your hearing loss Because it happens gradually over time. Consult a professional hearing if:
You have difficulty understanding people
Often you need instructions repeated
You Often Increase the volume When watching television
You have difficulty hearing conversations in crowded areas like restaurants
You have trouble hearing telephone conversations
You can not hear When people are speaking to you from another room
You have difficulty Following a conversation with a group
You can not understand children When They speak to you
You do not like socializing Because you can not hear what people are saying.